
將軍澳證件服務中心于2024年10月2日起盛大開業,正式提供證件受理服務。 為進一步便利初生嬰兒急於返回內地坐月子的需求,我司決定從2024年11月21日起開通初生嬰兒首次辦理回鄉證特急服務。

    Attachments 1

Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents (Non-Chinese Citizens) Template and Description



       The Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents (Non-Chinese Citizens) (hereinafter referred to as the “Permit”) is an electronic card-type certificate. The card has a 9-digit number, which is unique to each person and will remain unchanged for life. The numbers beginning with HA are for Non-Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents, while those beginning with MA are for Non-Chinese Macao permanent residents.


       The card bears the holder’s photo, name, date of birth, gender, nationality, validity period, issuing authority, certificate number, and renewal times on the front side, and the Hong Kong or Macao permanent identity card number, Chinese name, and duration of stay on the back side.

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